MAC | McCammon Action Council is a non-profit organization comprised of volunteers working together with a shared passion to develop more opportunities for growth and connectionpromoting and celebrating the best attributes of our community.

If this sounds like something you’d like to be part of, please let us hear from you!  

It helps us if you like, follow, subscribe, and share our posts here and on social media.  We also invite everyone to participate in our community/children’s learning garden (planting began spring of 2022!)  Whatever your interests or skills, we’ll find the perfect way for you to contributeand benefit!

Our tagline says it all:  Together we grow!    Join us, won’t you?

You're invited! - MAC meetings are the first Wednesday of every month - 7pm, Depot Building 802 Front St.







What is the McCammon Action Council?

The McCammon Action Council or MAC is a non-profit organization comprised of volunteers from the community who attended the City of McCammon development meetings in 2018. Many wonderful ideas were shared by the residents in attendance which culminated in a vision for McCammon—All it has to offer now and all we hope it to be. This is where MAC was born. We are a group of volunteers working together with a shared passion to evolve and celebrate the best attributes of our community and the talented, kind-hearted people living here. We are bringing those ideas to life and continually developing more opportunities for growth and connection. See our [about] page for more details.

What is the purpose of the website?  Do I need to subscribe?

Our intention in the creation of this website is to have one central communication hub—a way of bringing our community together.  It is a place to share and inspire us to gather more, connect more, create more.  If you haven’t subscribed already, please take a moment to do so. You are not just an email address to us!We want to know who you are and what you are interested in.  On the [subscribe] form you will see there is an area “Include a brief bio – Tell us who you are.”  This is retained on your subscription file with us and helps us tailor content and communication for you.

I’d like to volunteer.  What are my options?

The MAC meets once a month and you are welcome to attend any meeting to learn details about existing or upcoming events you may be interested in.  If you already know how/where you’d like to contribute, please send us a message here: [contact] and we’ll be happy to pass it on to the appropriate event leader.  Need ideas?  Check out our  p a r t i c i p a t e  page!

How can I become a sponsor?

If you would like to sponsor a specific event, please [contact] us and we will put you in touch with the appropriate person.  If you don’t have a specific event in mind, we have sponsorship opportunities to fit your business and budget and we’ll be happy to discuss those options with you.  Again, please use our [contact] form to start a conversation with us!

I would like to make a donation.  How do I do this?

For as little as $3.33/month, you can make a big difference!  The McCammon Action Council now offers an easy way for individuals, families and businesses to contribute to our non-profit organization: Become a Patron!
In addition to the pure joy of giving (!)—MAC patrons receive discounts, free T-shirts and other benefits.  See all the details here: Patron Options – McCammon Action Council – “Together we grow.”

One time donations can be made at the City Office.  Please contact Sherri Bordeaux here:  McCammon City Office

Is my donation tax deductible?

The McCammon Action Council is a 501(c)(3) Nonprofit Organization.  Your donation is most likely tax deductible, however please consult your personal tax advisor to confirm this.

How is my donation used?

When you make a donation, you can specify where you would like it to go (an existing event or community project) or you can make a general donation to be allocated at the discretion of the MAC governing board.

I have my own event.  Can it be included on the event calendar?

We welcome and encourage submitting all events and activities happening anywhere throughout the valley but cannot guarantee that your event will be included.  Generally speaking, for-profit events are not included complimentary, but we do offer a paid-inclusion option on our website in those cases.  Please email us [contact] and we will be happy to let you know if your event meets our criteria for complimentary inclusion or if a paid inclusion is an option for you/your business.

I have an idea I’d like to share.—Is there a forum for this?

We welcome your input and ideas!  You can begin by sending us a detailed message here:  [contact]   Upon receipt of your communication, you will be directed to the appropriate person who can help you.  This may include inviting you to a specific committee meeting where you can present your idea and/or submission of your idea at the next MAC | McCammon Action Council meeting.